Immersions in Boulder, Colorado

For Couples

For couples who have done disclosure and impact statement,
For couples at least two years out from discovery,
For couples wanting help and guidance with sexuality and intimacy.

Each person has their own tolerance for learning, truly being present and deep interaction with others.
Together we determine what is right for you. This may be two days, three days or four half days over four days. We want to create the immersion that works best and allows you to remember and reflect on what you have gained and practice what you have attained afterwards.

You will stay in a home so that you are most comfortable and feel most at peace.

For Men

For male sex addicts in a relationship,
For men needing to understand their parters trauma,
For men who want to understand what their own blocks to empathy are.

We take three days, in person, to do a deep dive into what the sex addiction has created in the relationship.

We also look at what has worked and what is not working, and the unconscious blocks due to codependence, enmeshment or trauma.
This is a group experience with other men with individual time provided for each man to address his own situation.

Cost is $3750.00 which includes lodging for three nights and breakfasts.  We want to keep the container tight so dinners will be in the group context as well.

I’ve learned a few things about people and relationships.
Here are 8 of the core lessons.

  1. We know each other far better and more thoroughly than we realize.
  2. The people we are closest to, are the ones that can hurt us the most, or heal us the best.
  3. Feeling our feelings, learning to effectively communicate, risking being vulnerable, catching our defenses and stopping words and behavior from this place…is hard work.
  4. Knowing and holding our partner’s early wounds when they are angry, defensive, critical and generally reactive, is hard work.
  5. Facing our own inner critic and shame takes great courage.
  6. Healing from our trauma hurts.
  7. Anything is possible if we are willing to keep trying with help and humility.
  8. Trauma of any kind severely alters how we think and feel.